Sunday, February 8, 2009

Earn money by displaying ads in your site

If you have a blog or website you can display ads and you will be paid if a user clicks those ads.

There are many geniune and effective ad sitse,the following are my favourites...


Its pays per click,easy sign up and site aproval.check this..They supply good text ads and some time image ads also.I joined it before 1 month and $26.5 is in my account.

The payout is $10 via.You can reach it,very easily.

Free sign the banner to signup

2.Chitika ads

Chitika is also a good adsense competitor the fair thing is ,you can run adsense and chitika together in same page.specialist in demographic ads.saerch engine targeted ads.I got paid two times.

Minimum payout is $10 via paypal.

Click the banner to sign up for chitika

Get Chitika | Premium

You can really choose what ad to display on your site.This is the speciality of widgetbucks and its graphic ads really rocks,they pay per impression and per click.
If you have good amount of traffic to your site,its easy to earn with widgetbucks.
The payout is $50 via check.

click the banner to signup.Its free

Earn $$ with WidgetBucks!


  1. Can you help me with inserting widgetbuck on your blog? I tired but there is some kind of problem the widget is not showing up

  2. Dont worry,it will not be visble from your IP adress,it will be visible to others

